Sunday, November 17, 2019

Protests and Success

Q: How many of the worldwide mass protests that started in 2019 will not end in tears?

A: Probably not any, for the masses of people in or not in the protests.  For elite coupsters, the ones that succeed, may seemingly work out well for a few minutes or days for THEM.  But by and large, in terms of achieving the better outcomes many yearn for, mass chaotic protests which merely proclaim the regime must go are a good way to set the clock backwards, not forwards.  Many of these "protests" are in fact heavily backed by outsiders or oligarch themselves (Hong Kong is the clearest example), but that's probably not a needed factor in failure.

The main factors (and the requirements for successful movements for positive change are)

1) Truth

2) Disgust (at the status quo)

3) Vision (shared view of desired future)

4) Organization (somebody has to be able to say "yes", "when", and "how").   And this organization should resemble the vision of change desired (be transparent, democratic, etc).

5) Culture (we must laugh, cry, dance, and sing)

6) Love (for everyone)

Rarely do modern protests go beyond #2.

Now, even without all the details right, non-violent organized protests, or protests which manage to stay (themselves) non-violent despite lack of central organization, are good practice.  And practice makes perfect.

But Violent Protests are anywhere and always the path to fascism, which can arrive quite quickly.

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