Friday, November 22, 2019

Countering Hero Worship of Gloria Steinem

Gloria Steinem was a CIA agent or asset following Communist youth groups in the early 1960's and taking names.  She looked kind of like a hippy and blended in.

Then, as a New Left was emerging, she got a new assignment.  Subvert leftism with pro-capitalist "Second Wave Feminism."

Her next assignment was to be a part of the systemic destruction of the growing New Left of the 60's.*

The New Left was getting promotion from a new class of "Cool" enterpreneurs.  Steinem was assigned to
smoke out that budding cultural left bourgeois icon, Hugh Hefner (who remained a Green Party supporter to the end FWIW).  She destroyed all his pretenses merely by exposing the gritty inside details of a slightly more progressive than usual bar establishment in Chicago that in it's day was revolutionary and remains exceedingly rare, and sadly.  Hefner moved to LA and gave up the 60's promotion of leftism in his magazine (no more Vidal interviews, that I recall).  The Playboy Clubs have come, gone, and Come again, but never exactly like the Cool Jazz and Left Culture original (which is what society still needs badly and everywhere).

(Journalist and "pro-sex" Feminist Ellen Willis broke these stories around 1980, but they are still not widely known.)

Steinem's version of Feminism didn't involve making society more equal in general.  It merely involved putting more women at the top, in CEO positions for example.  This has not been fully successful, and has done nothing to help make all jobs more equal--in fact the opposite has happened since then at an alarming rate.

However, it worked for her.  Almost overnight she was catapulted from a nobody to the leader of the new Feminism, a leading publisher of the leading Feminist magazine, and she remains so today, the #1 person Americans think of given the word "Feminism."

She has even been a longtime Honorary Board Member of DSA despite consistently preferring right-center women like Hillary Clinton to far lefter male candidates.

There is no reason to believe Gloria Steinem is not still a CIA asset to this day.

Throughout her career, she has endorsed the strictest form of anti Pornography, almost like Islam in forbidding human representations of any kind, and has fought against civil rights in these regards alongside extremists like Andrea Dworkin, who was pushing for laws to enable collecting damages from the publishers of women's picture magazines for ANY and ALL violent crime, claiming all violence (and virtually all ills in society) come from printing images of women appearing erotic, because "Objectification" (which is nonsense and highly sexist concept).

Fortunately, freedom of press prevailed in the USA for now, at least in these regards, thanks to civil rights heroes like the Hustler publisher Larry Flynt.

But the association of eroticism with leftism (and where it belongs too) has been long lost in popular culture, largely through the influence of Gloria Steinem.  Though, I suppose, if it hadn't been her, the CIA would have found someone else.

BTW, similar deconstruction can be made of other "cultural left" icons.  The fact that the MSM highlights a particular person as the leading voice of a left or populist tendency is virtual proof that they are either highly compromised in some way or an explicit CIA asset.  So it is, for example, with the likes of the Alinskiy trainee Ceasar Chavez, whose actual success was weak and built on earlier unheralded and rarely-duplicated labor organizing efforts.  He was never a "labor organizer" as such, or a leftist, socialist, or communist.  But in the MSM, he is THE leading icon in the "labor movement."  The organization he built barely functions anymore, and good luck trying to duplicate his opportunist victories.  The true heroes are those one rarely if ever hears of, and their work has barely started yet, and you can be sure they will not be televised in the MSM.

But meanwhile, I'm listening to more Frank Zappa, despite his milbrat background, support for the Vietnam War, and hatred of hippies and marijuana smokers.  I'm not sure if CIA kept him on the payroll after the '60's, he did pivot to an antiwar stance later.

(*Other parts of the Neutralization of the New Left included the CIA/FBI orchestrated "Manson" murders and the assassination of Martin Luther King.  The Manson murders discredited LSD and the growing Left Psychedelic movement, and, simultaneously buried evidence that FBI had planned the RFK assassination--though I wouldn't call RFK himself "new left" as such.  The murder of Sharon Tate was significant not only as an RFK fan and conspiracy trail follower--who had the goods right then, but as a Left-Liberal Southern Movie Starlet married to a leading Left-Liberal Movie Producer--whose US career was later destroyed with a phony sex scandal.  In 1969, there was great potential we were on the dawn of a new era of progressive movies and psychedelic culture.  First on the block would have been a movie about the JFK assassination.  No one like Sharon Tate has emerged since, but we have a comparably good Left Movie Producer in Oliver Stone.  Meanwhile psychedelic culture became more commercial stereotype than reality when it re-emerged in the mid 70's.  Few more mental doors were opened by that.  The CIA/FBI worked overtime to ensure the '60's ended as quickly as possible, and they did, in August 1969.

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