Friday, June 22, 2018

Dark Matter and Dark Energy: The signature of Intelligent Life

It is often said that Oxygen in a planet's atmosphere is the signature of life.  Otherwise, it reacts quickly, gets replaced with compounds.

Likewise, I believe Dark Matter and Dark energy are the signature of Intelligent Life.  More Intelligent than us (humanity).

All this energy may come from dying stars.  Perhaps in a billion years, if we manage to survive the next 200, we might figure out how to do that also.  Such energy could be stored for perhaps astronomical timeframes.  Perhaps they figured that out too.

Then certainly they'd also want to keep it hidden to all the primitives.  So they'd also know how to make it "dark", invisible to us.

That's the key, the need to make something invisible to us...that's the signature of More Intelligent Life.

But it may be around our galaxy too.  What does that suggest???

Oh, I always say, they're here too.  Perhaps all around us, but equally invisible, for the same reason.

Now, of course, we shouldn't take this as some kind of assurance.  They may be under no obligation to save us from ourselves.

But, I wouldn't be surprised if they already have, and keep doing, but there may be limits to their desire or ability to do so.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Trump and Kim accord Is A Good Thing

And we need to see more of that kind of mutual agreement!

(Sadly it hasn't been present elsewhere, most of all with Syria, then Yemen, then Afghanistan, and so on, or simmering wars, and the dangerous threatened war with Iran--who wants to be our friend.  And our punitive disagreeablenesses, such as with Russia and Cuba, which does nothing useful.  Which is why we should pay attention to those things also.)

But in and of itself it is a good thing and should be heralded!  Those Democrats who criticize on trumped up National Security grounds, are traitors to the all who oppose needless war, which is most of humanity.

Our handling of NK has been abonimable, from the start.  They wanted and deserved independence, we were creating a zone of allies in the far east, because we could do so, by force and bluster.

So, we bombed all their cities flat, then their dams, then their hospitals.  Such as Lemay bragged about how we had bombed them.

And we've been treacherous to every agreement since.  Agreements made by one President are immediately abrogated by the the next, leaving the North Koreans in the cold and starving.

But like all our supposed "enemies" they want to be our friend!  The would rather be part of global trade, rather then the ultimate outsider.

The military excercises on North Korea's border was a needless and expensive provocation.

We are safer without them, and welcoming North Korea as a full partner in the international community.

Anything less is warmongering, serving the US Deep state and military/media/cia/fbi industrial complex.

Friends of mine have given up with the Democratic Party altogether.  I separate that from voting for the lesser evil, when I have to, and supporting the moderately good ones.

But I'm tired of Russiagate, fighting in Syria, supporting the war in Lebanon, shielding the Israelis from international censure, still waging the cold war in Cuba and much of Latin Americal, threatening Iran, threatening to heat the planet to catastropy.

All the things the Democratic Party has been quite involved with, even St Obama approving drilling on a massive scale where none had existed before.  And St Jerry Brown approving more fracking permits than all governors before him.  And so on.

This doesn't mean I've given up some considerable concern and reason.  I will continue to vote and persuade others to vote for the lesser evil, when I have to.

But the Democratic Party is as corrupt as the Blairite wing of the Labour Party that's been trying to take over from Corbyn.

Both serve Israel, and Great Wealth, first.

Debunking the Hasbara of the Medic

I'd been thinking of other Hasbara rhetoric.  Imagining the assignment in some class, sometime in the future.  Debunk this or that Hasbara claim.

Such as the famous, "Israel has a right to exist."

Chomsky famously debunks this claim, and points out that the very notion of a states right to exist, began with Israeli rhetoric.  No other state had ever made the claim, nor had it entered written discussion.

Of course states don't have an unconditional right to exist.  Nazi Germany, the Third Reich, certainly didn't.  Any state depends on good will toward those within and without.  Any group or state that doesn't act in good will, doesn't "deserve" to exist, but to be replaced which one which does act in good will and is democratic, not that could ever be imposed, or has.

And no group of people deserves to take the land of another, to forcibly eject an undersired population for some internal reason.

In this and many other ways, Israel is not a democracy.  Nor is the US, of course.  They are vassal states of each other.

It's the same old game played over 57 previous times in history.  The ruling empire controls Palestine, it has mostly been called, now effectively Israel.  Jerusalem--named after a Cananite god--has changed hands 57 times.

In between the hundreds of years of Greek control, and the hundreds of years of Roman control were a scant 80 years of "Jewish" sovereignty, "the Hashemite Kingdom," which was really a coalition of Jews, Gallileans, Samaritans, and other Cananite groups.

The "Jews" (the rich elites, especially in Jerusalem, the ancient city) were the ones forced out by the Romans after the bar Kochba revolt,, but most of the others in the holy land remained.  And so their descendants have as much or more claim to sovereignty to the Holy Land territories, even assuming "the Jews" were a group of true descendents rather than religious title that people can claim by going through "conversion" which many people do, often to get married to a Jew, and that the Jews had some reason for a unique claim over many others on any such assumed claim, such as ancestry to descendant from the region.  And of course that sovereignty were determined by a religious nation's "God"'s,, rather than the brutal conflict that caused Jerusalem to change hand 57 times, and so on.

It gets difficult, the deeper into the Hasbara you get.