Friday, November 8, 2019

NPR vs Truth

NPR loses defamation lawsuit against Rich Family friend.

It's worth noting that Seth Rich and Julian Assange had extensive communications, 32 pages of metadata were collected by NSA.

Strangely, no metadata has ever been made public regarding the alleged Russian hack of the DNC servers.  Where is our $75 billion dollar spy machine when " our Country is under attack by Russia"?

Many have noted how the imperative to not reveal sources and methods is applied very selectively, and quickly goes out the window when to the advantage of the DeepStater.

William Binney, former NSA head, determined the time stamps shown in redacted Clinton DNC Emails were not possible for a Russian hack, they were only possible with a "leak" to a thumb drive, as could have been done by Seth Rich.  This has been widely by Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) and others.

The DNC servers were never seized or investigated by any US government authority, only by private contractor CrowdStrike having extensive connections to pro-NATO shill The Atlantic Group.  Their claimed proof of hacking (Cyrillic characters in the email metadata) could have been added after-the-fact by a decent programmer (who would also have to reset the checksums).

The DC Police quickly "determined" the Seth Rich murder to have been a burglary gone bad, but he still had all his valuables--and quite a few.  No serious investigation was ever done.

The actual story revealed by the content of the emails--conspiracy by DNC centrists against the Bernie Sanders campaign--wac quickly overshadowed in the media by the "theory" of Russian hacking (for which evidence was not given).  That theory, and similar Russian Collusion theories, became the major media focus for the remaining months to the election, and years afterwards.

In other cases, where leaked information helps the Endless War narrative, War Media doesn't focus on the leakers or their motivations, but skips right over that.

In the case of the investigator for the Rich family, Wheeler, he overstepped bounds by participating in numerous television programs without permission of the Rich family, who merely wanted to find out the identity of their son's killer.  After getting reprimanded by the family, he simply retracted and denied all the claims he had previously made to cover his ass.  NPR tried to make this a story about the family friend, a Republican who had merely found Wheeler but had no connections with him, who they alleged concocted the conspiracy theories that appeared on TV "without evidence" because the original claims were later denied.  But actually, these "conspiracy theories" go back to days after the actual murder in the lefter antiwar media such as ConsortiumNews, and they are still the best theories about what happened.

This is all part of National Propaganda Radio's utterly vicious smearing of anyone who doesn't to the Imperial State line.

It's also sad because on other issues, such as global heating, and the disappearing general info-tainment, NPR sometimes does (and did) fairly good work, though almost always with thick neoliberal anti-leftism.  They are essentially in the same place as CNN and MSNBC.  Back in the day, I remember hearing incredibly right wing opinions, but never any true left opinions, not even Chomsky.  I quit listening in 1998 after the umpteenth editorial by D'nesh D'sousa.  I found NPR aggravating then, and still do whenever I hear it for a few minutes.  Though, not quite as aggravating as Rachel Maddow or Rush Limbaugh or MSNBC in general.

You will notice the utter lack of true left opinions, and the wide variety of right opinions, cast within a "centrist" Imperial framework, goes back to the beginning of programs sponsored by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and differs greatly from the standard set at the seminal independent public broadcaster Pacifica.

Nowadays, there are endless antiwar left TV and Radio programs produced by ConsortiumNews, RealNewsNetwork, Greyzone, Intercept, and so on.  The only things NPR brings are a slightly wider focus of info-tainment than most, 24 hour service, and greater convenience in turning it on.

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