Wednesday, November 13, 2019


Mifsud was a very duplicitous asset and/or agent of British and/or US intelligence who was trying to entrap the Trump coffee boy Papadopoulos by offering him sugar plum fairies.

It's another example of spooks and/or FBI trying to entrap the Trump campaign in one way or another from 2015 onwards.  In NOT ONE instance was the Trump campaign seeking foreign assistance--it was various US/UK intel assets trying to entrap the Trump campaign to prove collusion with Russia.  Every one of these assets would have been sure this would produce a more lucrative job after Hillary got elected.  

But the fix was in.  Like "The Producers," Hillary had made too many promises to insiders.  She HAD to lose, in fact, that was the plan all along.  (I have little evidence for this, but MANY people are thinking it now, and Hillary made so many unforced campaign errors it seems possible.  Towards the end, it was becoming unclear if she wanted to win, or maybe just see how close she could cut it without making any substantive campaign promises to voters, just simply trashing her opponent.)  The Deep State feared not Trump, in fact kinda preferred him,  except that he might unravel some of the carefully crafted military stalemates around the world involving Russia.  But they had the developed the perfect means to keep Trump on the Imperial WWIII trajectory.  They had better means to control Trump than they had to control Hillary.  AND, as a side benefit, these new means would turn all Democrats into Russia hating neocons like Hillary, WHERAS if Hillary had been elected, the opposite trend would have been hard to stop.  And for these purposes, all these assets would be getting new jobs after all.  Lose, Win, Win!

Just to be clear, I'm not saying Hillary wanted to lose.  It was the deep state that had collectively made that decision, and she almost certainly probably already knew well before it happened.  (So, her decisions not to sweat it, at the last minute.)  It was certainly clear by the time that Comey made his last pre-election statement.  I've always felt that to have been certainly more influential than Russia ever did, and probably anything the already brewing Russia hacking and collusion theory had done in the opposite direction.  But that's ignoring the #1 source of deepstate control: the media--who was giving endless attention to Trump.

But nevermind, keep watching the show.  We're paying for it.

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