Friday, November 22, 2019

Rall Says there is no "Far Left"

Rall says there is "No Organized Left in the United States."   But, there is DSA and the Communist Party.  Both are now small but growing, but to Rall they don't exist.  I don't think this kind of rhetoric moves the ball forwards.

Otherwise, there is much to agree with.  Certainly there is no "Far Left" among leading Democratic Party candidates, and it would be ridiculous to think so, unless you are brainwashed by MSM.

In Foreign Policy, not even Gabbard nor Sanders are the complete antiwar/anti-Imperial candidate I would like to see.  But they are a huge improvement from what we've been offered in a long time.  Very very few candidates in the past have been better in that regards.  We had one of the best with Gravel.  Have to go back to 1900 and William Jennings Bryan to get as much explicit anti-Imperialistm as Gravel in a Democratic Party candidate, and Bryan almost won.   That this has been a remarkably progressive primary for a major US party is worth mentioning, even if it doesn't match the ridiculous claim "far left."  In 2016 the Sanders candidacy helped mitigate 110 years of rightward Overton Window shifting of the commonly accepted political spectrum (itself highly shaped by the Consent Manufacturing Corporate Media), and Bernie remains the "most left" candidate of the bunch as well as a leading one in some polls and THE leading one in a few polls.  This is remarkable and wonderful.  FDR was the last "left" President--and only barely so, about where Bernie actually is.  They've all been center right or looney right ever since.  Finally, the peoples voice is being heard again.

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