Wednesday, October 9, 2019

NPR is the CIA's Voice for Endless War

Balkans Wars: NPR was the leading voice admonishing President Clinton to bomb the Balkans in order to save them.  He seemed reluctant at first.  It was about this time I quit listening to NPR.  But all my friends continue to have their brains washed by the Voice of the CIA, and it seems like every day since, I've had to talk back the war points made on NPR to explain why I'm not outraged by the latest slight delay in launching another bombing attack or supplying military aid to violent separatists or fascist extremists.

Libya: Yes, NPR was calling for bombing, then more bombing, in order to save the Libyans.  Worked out nicely, no more talk about African Unity.

Syria:  Endlessly hyping the false flag gas attacks and other alleged misdeeds of Syria and Russia (of course, NPR never needs to use the word "alleged" when talking about either Syrians or Russians), the prospects of peace under US backed "secular" warriors, the terror of Bashir al Assad, and so on.

Russia/Putin: Have they ever missed an opportunity to demonize Russia/Putin while not noticing what the USA is doing?

Ukraine: And on and on it goes.

I suppose you could try to argue that NPR is no worse than the New York Times, just another nexus in the CIA operated Deep State.  The problem is that radio is more insidious.  A lot of the sometimes qualifying detail is left out, and by the time you have access to a computer to check things out, you've forgotten about the underlying issues--if you even remember them at all.  But you remember the not-so-hidden hidden message, such as  "Assad is a tyrant who must be bombed back to the stone age by the civilized nations of earth."

Shouldn't people be able to PAY for the disinformation they want?  Sure, and that's the way it mostly is now, except that the Federal Government still pays 2% of the cost, probably mostly related to production (which gives it a big influence in the actual content).  From the left, I've been pushing for the federal defunding of NPR for several years now.  Plus there are corporate funders--which represent the endless array of Pro War Groups in the USA.  On public radio, I believe all corporate funding should be disallowed.  People's funding only.

And while we're at it, we should completely defund the CIA, NED, NSA, and all other war mongering "intelligence" agencies as well.  We don't need secrets, and secret operation agencies DO FAR MORE HARM THAN GOOD.   This part is dreaming, of course.  Since they are running the show, how could they be persuaded to end themselves?

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