Thursday, October 24, 2019

My response to endless encomiums to Kurds

It just tires me so much to keep hearing about Kurds.  If I didn't hear so much unwarranted praise being heaped on them, I'd just leave them alone.  One of my childhood friends I respected greatly was Kurdish.  But these endless encomiums are not really about Kurds.  They are about goading US to get back to war fighting against Syria/Russia.  Otherwise, the media wouldn't say a damn thing about Kurds.  How many of the other 100,000 ethnicities do you hear of on a daily basis?

What we need is secular states.  Like Syria+Iraq under secular Ba'athist regime which could make it work.  Generally speaking, as large as practical.  In a tough neighborhood, that's what we know works.

The idea that every ethnicity needs a state is nuts.

But useful, if your goal is to ensure all states are small and weak enough so as not to be a threat to Israel.

I think that was the Kinon plan, to cut Iraq and Syria in half, and even a bit out of turkey and Iran, to make Kurdistan.

That creates a big state that's a natural ally of Israel (or so they hoped) and a bunch of weak arab states.

Like, the Arab majority in the region is going to think that's fine and dandy.  NOT.

I understand that most people in the former "Rojava" proto state were NOT Kurds, and they did not like having Kurd warlords rule them, and they wanted Assad to rescue them.  (Assad was being held down in more strategically important northwest by foreign backed jihadis and repeated false flag claims.)

Indeed Syria itself (with 113 ethnicities) barely holds together.  And would have done so far better if US+Turkey+Qatar+SaudiArabia+Kurds+Israel had not decided to break it up.

But barely is better than not-at-all.

Sykes-Pikot were apparently not fools. It's apparently quite difficult to put anything else together, except perhaps the whole thing, which their selfish intent was not to.

And, of course, it should be done by regional referendums, if you were going to do it at all.

It's looking like it may take some time to learn these lessons, or even the one about leaving places 7,000 miles away well alone to let them figure it out, with no added weapons.

Originally "Syria" had very few Kurds.  The vast majority of Kurds (and people of Kurdish descent) is Turkey, where Kurdish ethnicity is not recognized.  A few took refuge in Syria, and next thing are part of a scheme to blow the country up.  That's gratitude.

Oh, yeah, but Kurds are communal "socialists."  Israel "tried" (claimed) to promote that at first, as they were stealing Arab villages to make communes.

There is no such thing as national socialism.  It's only socialism if it's pan-national.  It's only socialism if no one becomes or remains homeless.  Rinse, repeat.

The solution to the "Kurdish Problem" is ending Kurdish oppression in Turkey, where most are from and remain.

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