Friday, June 14, 2024

The Defeat of Israel

Ted Rall writes an excellent piece (though I've heard it all before): How Hamas Defeated Israel.

Based on similar arguments, Israeli historian Ilan Pappe declared the beginning of the end for Israel in December.

But it's too early to start celebrating.  Fighting continues, and Gazans and other Palestinians are still being massacred and starved.

And we have two wounded beasts, Israel itself, and its imperial backer the USA which is fighting at least 2 proxy wars and has been instigating and planning a third hot war on China real soon now, with draconian sanctions on much of the world already, and the dollar predictably being slammed in much of the world, including recently Saudi Arabia.  I remember people saying we couldn't have national heathcare because China would dump US bonds.  Well, China is dumping US bonds now.

The most pro-Palestine member of the European Parliament, Clare Daly, just lost her seat in the recent elections.  Zionists have a firm hold on US, UK, Germany, and many other countries, their leadership if not their people.  Neither major US party promises to do anything but continue to stumble over themselves in supporting Israel better.  Even progressives insist we must defend Israel, just with a little "restraint" which has been spoken of endlessly even by Biden but never appears, so more weapons keep getting sent, not to mention deep western intelligence support for Israel.

Israel has long had the "Samson Option," in which if they are losing badly, they don't bother nuking Palestinians and Arabs next door, which would just blow back, but go straight to nuking Europe for not supporting them well enough.  It's like a doomsday machine.

There may not be a Middle East when this is over, indeed there may not be a Europe, UK, USA, or world either.

None of this seems to reach the minds and hearts of true blue Democrats or MAGA Republicans.  Democrats over 25 years old focus on likely useless Trump trials with hardly a thought about Gaza, and Trump promises to support Israel even better, blaming Biden for Israel not having defeated Hamas yet.

Meanwhile fascism is already here in the west, including cracking down on protestors and making pro Palestinian slogans and other speech shadow banned if not illegal, no matter who becomes next President.

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