Sunday, June 16, 2024

TERF's may sometimes be right

 Here's a typical article from a TERF website which sounds plausibly correct.

Transexuality does not necessarily erase "biological sex" or sex defined at birth, though there could be errors in cases where people have an unusual combination of sex chromosomes.

The inalienable Rights of Transexuals include:

1) Adults over 18 have a right to choose sex changes without the assent of parents or others.

2) Transexuals have a right to non-discrimination on the basis of sex changes, EXCEPT as detailed below.

3) Transexuals have freedom of speech and religion and full protection of the law, just like other people.

OTOH, transexuality does not "erase" sex as determined by chromosomes, which is necessary to report in some legal, medical, and administrative cases.  In these cases, the correct "assignment" is not always the self-chosen one.  All these secondary cases are subject to 'political' adjudication instead of one based on inalienable rights like the above.

1) Participation is gender selective athletics.

2) Use of gender selective bathrooms.

3) Gender selective fraternal organizations.

In the first case, one might be swayed by circumstances at hand.  If a trans-woman is similar enough in relevant physical characteristics to other women, it seems reasonable they may participate as a woman, and otherwise not.

In the second case, having a penis might be the distinguishing fact.  There seems little social risk in letting a trans-woman without a penis use the women's bathroom.

In the third case, it seems reasonable to waive the usual laws and standards against non-discrimination and let these fraternal organizations decide for themselves how to define themselves such as trans-inclusive or non-trans or trans-as-we-feel-fit.

 There is little doubt that western intelligence and its subservient western media and left organizations (most often these are little more than controlled opposition for the imperial state) seized on a more extreme version of trans rights in order to cause social division, especially in socially conservative "enemy" countries (and even right here at home in the west, where division of many kinds is always being fostered to prevent a wage slave revolt).

The IOC officially has guidelines which sound about right.  Because inclusion is important, the presumption is that all individuals may participate according to their declared gender.  However, other participants may report cases of perceived unfairness (though it does not establish a process for handling such things, or say how they should be resolved).

The IOC guidelines specifically prohibit making requirements for any kind of therapy or conversion.  (Previous guidelines did and it caused a backlash.)

(According to HRC, transgender have participated in athletics for decades without notable unfairness.)

It would seem if objective criteria are established, a high bar ought to be set for inclusion.  Thus transgender women having strength characteristics lower than any cis women participants in historical records would be acceptable, or shown statistically to be at or below the 99% percentile of potential athletes.  There should be no discrimination based on trans itself.

Now however it is reported Paris 2024 is requiring male to female surgical conversions be done before age of 12.  Not noted by NBC is that this violates IOC guidelines.  Furthermore, it seems transgender are simply specifically ruled out for some sports, also a violation.

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