Friday, June 21, 2024

Israel has Neutron Bombs

Poster duckncover wrote this comment at Moon of Alabama:

Why does no one talk about Israel's nuetron bombs? The whistleblower mordecai reported nuetron bombs were in mass production in Dimona after 1984. Nuetron bombs contaminate the environment much much less than thermonuclear. They can be used quite close to friendly troops without killing them. The blast from detonation is comparable or less than conventional bombs making detonating them amongst conventional bombs for covert use a very real possibility. They are simpler to construct than thermonuclear weapons. They kill by the wave of nuetron radiation that is enhanced.
Dimona creates enough material for 100 nuclear weapons a year since 1973. Yet all sources list their nuclear weapons as ",around 300" . The reality is no one knows. Mordecai reported a growing focus on neutron bombs. It makes sense because of Israel's close proximity to its enemies.
You can read about Israel's nuetron bombs on Wikipedia. Yet what do we read about? Hezbollah's rocket arsenal. Yes this is quite the arsenal. Yes Hezbollah is quite the force. And yes obviously Israel plans to use nuetron weapons in south Lebanon in large quantities and their use will be devastating. It's as obvious as a dead cow in the middle of the road but no one discusses it. You think IDF is going to go to to toe with Hezbollah? Get real.
The scientist Christopher Busby has documented u235 and u238 in both Lebanon and Gaza. These would be the expected byproducts of a nuetron bomb. Neutron bomb uses no Plutonium. They could also be explained by depleted uranium in projectiles and or bomb casings. Looked at another way any where depleted uranium is deployed in projectiles or bomb casings there is plausible deniability for nuetron weapons. Everyone above ground will die in the target area but since there is no fallout troops can immediately enter the area to clean up the bodies. Nuetron weapons can be delivered with short range weapons. Mordecai reported the majority were 155 shells back then.
It is my belief that the Israel's nuetron weapons were created specifically for use on Israel's borders. It is my belief that after the 2006 I'll fated excursions into south Lebanon planning for nuetron weapon use became the primary battle plan to cope with Hezbollah. The strong potential exists to use these weapons semi covertly deploying them amongst conventional bombs. The worlds militaries will not be fooled and there will be no intent to do so the crossing of the nuclear threshold will be deliberate to comunicate appetite for destruction not just in Israel but everywhere in the list of growing potential conflicts. This is the apocalypse in the here and now that humanity faces beginning in south Lebanon. Israel has even cleared the area of its civillians for nuetron weapon deployment and no one discussed it or seems to have the slightest clue that the nuclear threshold is about to be appears that is believed that Israel would only respond to nuclear weapon use by others not use them first. This flies in the face of reality the israel neutron weapons program was specifically created for first use to cope with superior numerical or technical threats on their borders while maintaining low casualties in the IDF. We witness the exact scenario the neutron bombs were created for with Hezbollah and the area has been cleared for their use yet not one of the many many articles about the impending conflict mentions the neutron weapons. Every single analysis is that the IDF will lose and lose badly to Hezbollah tajing heavy casualties and losing territory and that was prior to losses in Gaza. Does anybody think the IDF intends to either give up northern Israel or take heavy losses at the hands of Hezbollah? No? Then Israel will obviously withdraw from Gaza yes? No? Then the primary plan to cope with and eliminate Hezbollah as a threat semi covert nuetron weapon use will be implemented. Who will say anything? Not Russia. Not Turkey. Not Iran. If Iran wants in the thermonuclear not nuetron weapons will be deployed out of the dolphin class submarines. The amazing fact is Israel has significant capability to deploy nuclear weapons out of submarines while China has none.
IMO the semi covert nuclear weapon deployment in south Lebanon not only reflects that conflict but will represent a desperate attempt by the west to maintain dominance. This is absaloutly in keeping with other semi covert actions that are given ridiculous cover stories but are clearly understood by the worlds intelligence agencies and militaries as demonstrations of willingness to use various WMDs even if they result in civilian casualties. Gaza is direct messaging that civillian casualties are not a deterrent as the west desperately tries to maintain dominance. Does anyone truly believe the October 7 event was unrelated to the events in Ukraine and Taiwan? World war is upon us and these madmen are going to kill us all. Including the innocent. That is the greatest sin taking the life of the innocent.

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