Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Sex Drive Differences

I'm sticking with my earlier claims, based on my own experiences (including dating a hundred women but finding only a handful that were ever interested in sex) and understandings of history and biology.

However, at some point I may have to explain the large body of different results when this question has been studied scientifically, as reported here (curiously, keeping this apparently innocent WebMD page loaded causes my computer to use a LOT of energy, the cooling fan becomes very loud).


Basically the problem is that I'm mainly talking about drives and desires as something outside social influences but modified by it, whereas these articles are combining the two (as in fact, scientifically, they are not easy to separate).   My basic theory is that the "social influences" in which I'm mainly talking about religion (but also political beliefs) corral sexual desire (including sex differences in sexual desire) to their own ends.  After that corralling has occurred, all bets for finding innate sex differences are lost.

Right from the start you can sense the critical and antagonistic stance in this article, such when it says:

And those messages may have influenced the research that has been telling us men want sex more than women.

Such research is barely mentioned in this article, whose entire purpose is to get us to question (and highly if not completely discount it rather than taking a fair look at both sides).  (So, yes, there is research supporting my side, they say, but they are not describing or linking to it.)

Still, it's worth taking note of this critique.  I may have more to say later.

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