Thursday, June 13, 2024

Hunter Biden's Laptop

This looks very bad, for both Hunter Biden and his father, but also the US/Western media, western intelligence agencies, and more.

At the bottom of all this, we must start with the fact that western intelligence agencies have been operating in Ukraine since the end of World War II.  Their aim was always first to break Ukraine out of the Soviet Union, then out of Russia, then out of Russian influence of any kind (and, ultimately, to use Ukraine as a wedge to break apart the not only the Putin government but Russia itself).

To that end, they Must Have actively facilitated the purchase of more and more of Ukraine by key western interests, including especially Western geopolitical decision makers, so they have a piece of the pie (and therefore their ass on the line).  In fact, much of Ukraine has indeed been bought up by Western interests, and now we know it includes political leaders.

The leadership should have understood that they don't want any of this traceable back to them.  They wouldn't want anything that even looked like corruption.  They should have avoided having their significant others involved with it in any way.


And after the word got out, intelligence agencies have worked overtime to try to keep a lid on it.

To me, this is not just about politics, Biden v Trump.  It's about empire, the ugly way it works, the impunity of people at the top, and the fascism that western intelligence agencies are comfortable dishing out to keep the game going.

I commented on this story and was myself immediately hounded by someone who by all appearances is an intelligence troll.  This was the only time I can remember that I got such immediate pushback.

People who are trying to say this is not corruption, this is Russian Disinformation (a never proven claim) seem to believe that we have to have a smoking gun for everything.

No we don't.  In cases like this, the appearance of corruption is sufficient.  And by this time, we've got a whole catalogue of appearances.

Also, Biden defenders seem to think that if European Countries were involved beforehand, that proves it was never about Biden.

IOW, they seem to be starting from the position that every political leader is innocent until proven guilty.

That may be the way it works in a court of law (sometimes), but it's not the way it works in business and politics.

In fact, the assumption we should always start with is every big business and government operation is riddled with corruption, on all sides, until proven otherwise.  In modern capitalism, any business leader who isn't pushing on every possible lever is quickly dumped for someone else who will.

Given that the Biden family was up to their neck in corruption in this way, it's likely that many European leaders were also.  None of them wanted the cover to start unraveling.

Plus, they would well understand that protecting top US government officials was in their interests.  Those US government officials like Vice President Biden who had endless ways to reward "help" and punish "finks".

It's barely worthy of comment in the interests of political fairness that the Trump family is even more corrupt, and that deals that Jared Kushner made with Israel helped get Trump elected, etc.

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