Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Does the Talmud say Goyim are Donkeys?

Indeed, that illusion is made, in the arguments against marrying a Canaanite maid.

The Talmud also has many many passages insisting on more-than-fair treatment of non-Jews, who are believed to earn eternal salvation along with Jews so long as they obey the Noahide Laws, a vastly reduced set of laws compared with the over 600 laws Jews are supposed to obey.  So non-Jews have it "easy" according to Judaism.  And Jews are commanded to respect the rights of all people, not just Jews.

The Talmud is not a Holy Book, it is a compendium of debates by ancient religious sages, intended to be used to stimulate debate in an educational context (mainly for training young Jews to think expansively and be successful in international businesses) and not as a religious dogma.

Just like nearly every other book associated with a religion (with the exception of the Tao Te Ching, which is about as good as it gets) Talmud is a deeply flawed work.

However, it is not genocidal, and it very explicitly says that Jews are neither to massively resettle in Palestine nor create a Jewish State.

Talmudic Judaism is not Zionism and may well be its antithesis.

Here's a modern debate about what the Talmud actually says about Goyim.

I continue to believe much of the solution to the Zionist Event Horizon will be either Jews reconnecting with what their religious books actually say.  Some humanistic Jews are abandoning or even renouncing Judaism, which is also OK by me, maybe better, except when this equates Judaism with Zionism--thus poisoning the well for those who would prefer to still have their ancient religion.

Though at this point, we should (and I'm including me) be more focussed on re-establishing humanity for Palestinians, and to that end, Zionists need to be defeated and the Zionist Entity dismantled.

Is it necessary to follow Islam for that purpose?  No.  But Islam has provided a social structure that is effective, and possibly most effective, for resisting imperial domination.  Political ideologies have not produced strong societies w/o religion (from the dawn of civilization, social cohesion was outsourced to religion, and political ideologies have failed to fill all the necessary bases--which must include sexual relations--to do it alone).

I would have preferred the resistance be led by Communists or other leftists.  But they made mistakes, and were marginalized by western intelligence which also propped up Islamists to make sure the Communists were defeated.

In the current ME wars, Islamists favored by some Hamas* are attacking Syria (along with US forces who continue to hit Syrian bases instead of the Islamic ones they claim to oppose, just as they did in the 2015-2019 Syrian Civil War) which is allied with Hezbollah and Iran, two key allies of Hamas.

*It appears that the Hamas leadership officially buried the hatchet against Assad in 2022.  There may be some present or former Hamas or supporters of Hamas or fake Hamas who don't share this sentiment, and I've seen some on X, where probably those with more western alignment rise to the top of the US controlled social media.  Hamas had supported the 2011 insurgency against Assad and one of their leaders died in it.  Now Houthis are also declaring support for Assad as a move towards regional alignment against Israel and the US.  However there is some feeling I have seen (on X) that neither Assad nor Iran is doing enough for the Palestinians.  I'm not on that page as it seems to me that Syria and Iran have their own countries to defend against US and Israel as well, when it's getting pretty thick already.

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