Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Operation Unthinkable

Before WWII was even over, but just after FDR had died, UK prime minister Churchill and his generals came up with a plan to join forces with Germany and USA and bomb the Soviet Union into pieces.  Nukes were to be used in later versions of the plan.

It was called Operation Unthinkable.

Truman gave it serious consideration, but General Eisenhower thought it was madness.

Many westerners thought "we" were fighting the "wrong villain" in WWII and should have been fighting Soviet Union all along.  General Patton was outspoken about this.

US was still fighting Japan when Operation Unthinkable was being secretly discussed.  However, once Japan had been defeated, Truman came up with a similar plan called Operation Dropshot which would bomb 100 Soviet cities.

It might have happened, except the Soviet Union got the bomb in 1949 (with help from Theodore Hall and others...Theodore Hall was the spy and physicist who smuggled the most significant parts of the nuclear bomb information to the Soviet Union, and he was never touched because his brother, Ed Hall, was the chief scientist working on Intercontinental Missiles).

Instead, we got the Cold War and things like Operation Gladio and Operation Paperclip to recycle Nazis into either becoming terrorist militias fighting the Soviet Union in Europe and Ukraine, or scientists in USA developing new missiles.

More info:

Churchill's daughter in law who married W. Averel Harriman brother of Roland who created UBC with Prescott Bush as CEO. Bank which financed Hitler from 1924 to 43, after meeting Thyssen in CH.

(UBC retained Sullivan and Cromwell as their corporate attorneys. Allen Dulles was the attorney who worked at Sullivan and Cromwell for UBC.)

Thus, WWII was the platform that nazi spooks used to take over the USA, taking complete control in 1963 (with GHW Bush as a key assassination figure, with  all succeeding presidents well enmeshed in the Oligarchy, and most especially Reagan/Bush, GHW Bush, and GW Bush).  Both Johnson and Nixon were involved in the assassination as well, and had some truncated independence.  Obama grew up in an intelligence family and was groomed from an early age.  Trump was deeply connected through Cohn and Epstein.

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