Friday, July 3, 2020

References for Discussion

For July 2020, I chose to make the discussion topic:

Sanctions against Venezuela, Iran, and Syria.

Because this is an Important Issue which is all but ignored on US and Western Media.  When it isn't ignored, it's merely an excuse for more western imperialist propaganda about these countries.  When it is ignored, it's displaced by more western false-flag intelligence echoing the Gulf of Tonkin incident: today's version of that is Bountygate.   Regarding Bountygate, which is debunked at many of the news organizations (including  Grayzone) I follow, even if it were true, it pales in comparison with our war crimes in Afghanistan itself, let alone elsewhere.

The Sanction issue is important for many reasons.  Firstly, it is leading to the suffering of many millions of people in these countries directly, in deprivation of all kinds.  And many deaths.  Secondly, it is part and parcel of bleeding those countries until they submit to US Imperialism.  When and if that is successful, as it has been for 100 countries around the world, the people will lose their sovereignty, control of natural and human resources, and suffer further loss of human rights and well being.  They will look hopefully to the day when they can do what Iran and Venezuela did at least once--and throw off the yoke of western empire--even if that itself entails suffering and compromise, it is better than living under the Shah.  Thirdly, the continuation of this Imperialism causes great suffering even back in the western countries themselves, among the vast majority of people who are not war profiteers.  A militaristic society is one in which there is hugely wasteful power and income stratification.   Fourth, Imperialism is the primary driver of the current assult on mother earth including Global Heating, through massive direct carbon polition as well as diverting resources that should and must be used instead to build green and renewable energy based systems and focus on making people's lives better, instead of worse.  We need a society for people, not profits.  Imperialism is the ultimate inversion of what we need.  Craters instead of Creative Work.

If the Liberal Intelligence Imperialists* pushing the lies, distortions, and misdirections of Russiagate I, II, III, and now IV (Bountygate) really wanted to weaken Trump's chances of retaining power, they could instead focus on things actually affecting people's lives, such as Trump's disasterous handling of Covid-19 and the looming economic depression and devastation being caused by it, rather than distant and murky issues some people only care about, if at all, because they've heard a few words on TV.  And others, who listen to the Republican Media Juggernaut like Fox News don't care about Russiagate ad nauseum at all, instead they care about a different set of fake made-for-tv-issues that can be blamed on Democrats.  All the fake divisions over nothing making it easier to keep all the people from uniting behind a set of truly populist issues like full employment and guaranteed healthcare for all.

But their highest priority, like the highest priority of all promoted voices in the USA,  has never been the American People.  It's been Manufacturing Consent for a continuation of the 75 year old plan of post-WWII Western Imperialism: War for War's Sake to keep the blood money running in the most vast waste of human lives and treasure in world history.


(*Every "liberal" on US mainstream media, including especially everyone on MSNBC, CNN, and other major networks, including Bill Maher and Rachel Maddow.  Also nearly every Democratic politician, especially so-called "Centrists" like Hillary Clinton, but sadly even including Bernie Sanders--though to a somewhat lesser degree.  Bernie Sanders represents the lefter edge of acceptable opinion in the USA, which makes his positions quite interesting.  As a self declared Democratic Socialist and sometimes even just Socialist, he understands well the concept of Imperialism and often eloquently speaks against it.  But when it comes to Venezuela--with the largest remaining proven oil reserves on earth, he toes the one line out of several the Imperial Establishment requires**, "Maduro is a Dictator," leaving aside the fact that Maduro is a very popular elected leader, in elections far more Democratic and transparent and internationally verified than those in the USA.  By the way, the same is true of Bashir Al Assad.  Both of these leaders are more than a few notches better on a fairly assessed score of Democracy than many US allies, such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar, which are outright feudal totalitarian states.  Even oft maligned Iran is a fairly popular democratic republic which arose from the ashes of the old US-vassal-dictatorship...and was made more theocratic by western intelligence operations deliberately and specifically for the purpose of undermining Socialism and Communism.  Endless US efforts to overthrow these regimes, going back decades, have the predictable consequences of adding to the popularity of these regimes, and weakening internal forces of moderation.  And we clearly aren't exercising a fair reform effort by subjugating those countries--and most specifically their populations--to illegal and immoral acts of war which cause great loss and are deeply resented.  And the regimes, which we defame so badly, have generally done little or nothing bad to us, in fact have treated us better than we deserved when seen in the fullest context.  And are certainly no threat to us either.  All have expressed sincere interest in peace, so long as that peace doesn't mean their destruction.  But we will accept no half measures, only a new puppet government completely under our thumb.  **Tulsi Gabbard fairly uniquely in the Senate despised the overthrow of Madero, but seems to be even more supportive of Israel than Bernie Sanders, as exemplified by her vote opposing free speech about Israel, and some have questioned her closeness to fascist India.  It seems the greater your support for Israel, or other fascist regimes, the more you may be permitted to deviate from the Imperial Line elsewhere.  So rather than a trip line, it seems that you have to have at least one of the Imperial boxes checked.  Or there's no way you'll survive and be elected.  Ron Paul had the Robber Barons at Home box checked.)

Here's one of the best articles I've seen on this recently.  What's the greatest reopening risk?  Businesses with open air floorplans, like call centers.  But generally not mentioned as a thing in news reports.  And more.

On to the suggested Topics, this is about the latest in a long line of deceptions about Syria, a country the US has viciously attacked for decades, basically because they're not a US puppet, the regime has longstanding ties to Russia and we want our guys, even if our guys happen to be al Queda jihadis like al Nusra which we backed, or ISIS which was backed by Saudi Arabians.

Assad and the Russians finally defeated our legions of jihadis, but now we won't let them rebuild, shades of the strangulation we applied to Iraq in the 90's.

Imperial backed sources create endless lies about Assad to justify this, including lies about chemical weapons which were actually used by our guys, and now violence which was mostly caused by our guys once again being used to frame Assad and create the pretext for more war:

Given it's oil, Syria would be be reasonably well off it were not for our wars, territorial and mineral expropriations, and sanctions.

That's true of Venezuela and Iran as well.  Venezuela is sometimes said to have the largest proven oil reserves in the world.  The oil thing iteself is more complicated than that, but not the explanation for our endless interest in the internal "human rights" of Venezuela.

By fair standards, Maduro is barely a Democratic Socialist like Bernie Sanders (who, sadly, strongly denunces Maduro).  Maduro-opposing media controlled by oligarchs has ever and always been in the majority in Venezuela (like the USA).  Nevertheless Maduro enjoys widespread popular support, including the military, for not selling out the country, literally, to the US. Our attempts to coup the independent-minded government of Venezuela have been endless since the first non-puppet government of Chavez which re-nationalized the oil.  We recently created  a fake "interim president" out of nowhere that most Venezuelans didn't even recognize and instigated various false flag incidents which got no traction because, frankly, no one believes this shit anymore.  Venezuela gets help from Cuba, China, Russia, Iran, and other countries on our "enemies" list and who can blame them after all we've done, and where else could they go?  Similar efforts to coup an independent minded government have succeeded in Honduras and Bolivia, but Venezuela would be the Big Prize.

I've heard various numbers, one being the theft of at least $24 billion in external properties of Venezuela, including the Citgo refinery, sold off for various illegal purposes in the USA, such as paying damages to US contractor mercenaries in Columbia, and funding more of Trump's wall.  UK has stolen at least $1B in gold.

In addition to the Grand Theivery, the ongoing blockade has been causing additional grave damage.

For no good similar reasons, but having more to do with geostrategy than oil, we've been at endless war with Iran whenever it's had an independent minded government.  Endless concerns expressed about human rights in Iran are mostly more propaganda to cover our support of anti-government forces.  Iran, finally, had some kind of peace with the US under Obama but Trump and Company (including Bolton) ripped that to shreds for no good reason.  Now heavy handed US sanctions are themselves a human rights abuse:

Urelated to suggested topic, but some of you might be interested in this.  I consider the new variant of Russiagate, which I am calling Bountygate, to be more propaganda from US intelligence created to cancel an intended withdrawal, as described by these leftist sources:

There had been a planned withdrawal from Afghanistan, which would have been all to the best, which was shelved because of this recent dust-up.  Now more can die on all sides.

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