Monday, July 15, 2024

Letter to Representative

What people should be talking about today is the violence FROM America.  America should stop projecting its military power around the world for no plausible self-defense reason.  Truly the reason is, and has always been, US dominance of the world through neoimperialism.  Tens of millions of people have died since World War Two because of US proxy wars and coups.  We must end this murderous project of global dominance before it ends us.

There has hardly ever been a neoconservative hard liner more consistent than Joe Biden.  Not surprisingly, since Biden became President, over a million people (including soldiers and civilians) have died in US backed proxy wars in Ukraine and Israel.  Just recently there has been a surge in bombings and killings by Israel in Gaza, adding to the death toll, which has now been estimated to be at least 186,000 civilians by the leading medical journal Lancet.  Other analysts have put the number as high as 500,000.  And that is after Israel crossed numerous "red lines" announced by Biden and many calls for a cease fire or settlement, Biden has continued to send more weapons, even of an increasing capability.

The supposed US objectives in these wars have long been lost.  Ukraine is not going to repatriate Donbas and Crimea, where the vast majority would prefer to stay with Russia, nor is Israel ever going to defeat Hamas (which has only been growing through Israel's historic criminal savagery against civilians).

I am outraged and disgusted, but not surprised, that neither major party in USA offers an alternative to a continuation of this.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with the above statement and not only that, I have heard the same from many fellow Americans -we can do better than this two candidates that are being force fed upon us.
