Friday, July 26, 2024

Trump is NOT Anti-War or Anti-Deep-State

A certain segment of US electorate believes Donald Trump, who was long associated with key deep state operators like Roy Cohn, somehow opposes the Deep State and War.

Currently, Trump and Vance are running on a platform of War against Mexico and Iran, among others.

Here are just some things Trump did as President:

Killed top Iranian and Iraqi officials

Expanded Yemen war

Bombed Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Pakistan

Occupied Iraq and Syria

armed Ukraine to fight Russia (Obama had refused to send arms)

waged economic war with sanctions on Venezuela, Cuba, Iran, and Syria

also sanctions on Russia and China

attempted to coup Venezuela with Juan Guaido

Sunday, July 21, 2024

The Sit Down and Shut Up Party

From polls, about the only worse choice Biden could have made was to continue running.  Nearly any of the frequently named competitors would be expected to do better against Trump.

But it all makes perfect sense to me, as I consider the Democratic Party to be not so much Democratic as a kind of controlled opposition which ought to be called the "Sit Down and Shut Up Party."

There was barely anything that qualified as a Primary Season.  Biden was officially running, and no true blue Democrats could say a word against him.  Not even Bernie Sanders, who ran against the party's "leading" candidate twice, but capitulated graciously at the first sign of losing (something his supporters remain angry about) and enthusiastically backed both Clinton and Biden.  Recently he's been among those fiercely defending Biden's running recently.  It's for that reason I think the Party Establishment should see fit to make Bernie the candidate at last.  He's popular, and he's been good to the party, he's not a renegade but a party loyalist after all.  But they won't, they will still see him as a renegade, for ever even challenging the DNC (which should be called the SDASUNC) anointed candidate(s) to any kind of substantive debate on policies, because Sit Down and Shut Up.

I don't even want to get into the shenanigans that was played on both Bernie campaigns by the SDASUNC, but it was clearly another example of Sit Down and Shut Up.

From late last year onwards, with all this pressure from leading politicians and party operators, hardly any candidates even dared to run against Biden.  There were no debates with Biden either, to examine possible issues in Biden policies.  Because Sit Down and Shut Up.

The need to simply fall into line with Biden was reinforced by the Manichean struggle between Good and Evil represented by the contest with the other party (which I would prefer to characterize as the struggle between Evil and Even More Evil).  Never mind that different policy suggestions or ways of moving forwards on them or perceptions of being more committed to them might be key for any Democratic candidate to actually win the election.  Because Sit Down and Shut Up.

So the usual mass market ads paid with by plutocrat money on Super Tuesday made sure even those who dared question Biden policies wouldn't stay in the race any longer.  Because Sit Down and Shut up.

Biden had promised not to even run for a second term.  But after sweeping all the other candidates off the board, he continued to insist on running, despite many stories of his growing senility.  Strangely, a pre-convention debate was scheduled, and while the Biden campaign requested an unprecidented 45 second delay, ABC refused and stuck with the usual 7 second delay.  Media personalities immediately afterwards attacked Biden's performance, and many Party elders and wise men began demanding that Biden step down.  Biden defiantly refused.  Later becoming ill, and stumbling again, Biden finally capitulated on the day before the Convention, annointed his Vice President as successor, and allowed Big Donors to switch their checks.  Leaving the convention with the fait accompli of an anointed new President.  Because Sit Down and Shut Up.

I'm not clairvoyant, but I think the future is pretty clear on what is expected here.  Harris will lose to Trump.  That, too, was part of the Deep State plan to dump responsibility for the old wars and crises and start some new ones to take their place, the reason why the Deep State cycles between parties.  Other reasons are to inflate the economy slightly under Democrats (who have a much better track record on 'the economy'), and then the re-strangulate ordinary people all over again.  Meanwhile, at least until George W, wars generally worked the other way, Democrats would start the big wars (say, LBJ, Truman, Johnson) and Republicans would settle them (Eisenhower, Nixon/Ford). That works now too, because under Biden's watch we've become involved in one giant proxy war in Ukraine and a smaller but more globally contentious war in Israel/Palestine.  Things are not looking good for either one, but as usual the President remains defiant.  So this is the perfect time for the Deep State to make a switch, and they do it by giving us a non-choice between a publicity magnet and a boring keeper of the status quo mantle.  Because Sit Down and Shut Up, but in this case, it's not merely the SDASUNC, it's the entire "Establishment."

I'm going to suspend my fears about civll war over the Trump election (my prediction is that it won't happen, but there will be an endless hue and cry over everything except the President's war policies with Russia being excessive) and roll on to the politics of the next election, 2028, presuming it happens, etc.

In that election, the loss in 2024 will be blamed on leftists (as usual) and people who strayed from the fold to criticize Biden.  Biden/Harris policies will, as usual, not be subject for debate.  Harris will run again, and win, because the deep state will have decided on another cycle after war with China under Trump didn't look so easy, it will be back to war with Russia under Democrats.  Because Sit Down and Shut Up.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Letter to Representative

What people should be talking about today is the violence FROM America.  America should stop projecting its military power around the world for no plausible self-defense reason.  Truly the reason is, and has always been, US dominance of the world through neoimperialism.  Tens of millions of people have died since World War Two because of US proxy wars and coups.  We must end this murderous project of global dominance before it ends us.

There has hardly ever been a neoconservative hard liner more consistent than Joe Biden.  Not surprisingly, since Biden became President, over a million people (including soldiers and civilians) have died in US backed proxy wars in Ukraine and Israel.  Just recently there has been a surge in bombings and killings by Israel in Gaza, adding to the death toll, which has now been estimated to be at least 186,000 civilians by the leading medical journal Lancet.  Other analysts have put the number as high as 500,000.  And that is after Israel crossed numerous "red lines" announced by Biden and many calls for a cease fire or settlement, Biden has continued to send more weapons, even of an increasing capability.

The supposed US objectives in these wars have long been lost.  Ukraine is not going to repatriate Donbas and Crimea, where the vast majority would prefer to stay with Russia, nor is Israel ever going to defeat Hamas (which has only been growing through Israel's historic criminal savagery against civilians).

I am outraged and disgusted, but not surprised, that neither major party in USA offers an alternative to a continuation of this.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Hospital Strike

There is no question that Russia has stepped up attacks all around Ukraine on airfields and weapons depots.  It is responding to new incoming weapons and promises for more.  It has begun doing these attacks in broad daylight, which it did not do before.

The alleged hospital attack doesn't fit this pattern.  Of course, western partisans generally assume that their enemies are pure evil.  "Russia always hits hospitals after all they are monsters."  Actually, it is the US and Israel which operate through endless war crimes with impunity.  Russia does not have that kind of impunity, and generally follows the rules, because it knows all hell would break out when it doesn't, as the hell even starts breaking out otherwise.

But other than this kind of general knowledge, nothing released in the public domain about the missile strike is fully convincing to me.  The grainy (and possibly altered) videos I've seen are ambiguous.  It would seem to me, that if Ukraine had any missile fragments to prove it was a Russian cruise missile, they would produced them by now, and they haven't.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Approximate Thinking

Approximate Thinking is behind prejudice, racism, and many things like that.

We like to Bask In Reflected Glory (BIRG) of our group (so we don't actually have to do anything ourselves). 

It's simple to divide the world into good (me and people like me) and evil (people not like me) rather than delve into all the details, so we don't have to do any thinking either.