Saturday, May 11, 2024

Debunking "Israel Accepted the UN Plan and the Arabs didn't"

Zionists accepted the original UN Partition Plan (which had no other legal basis, and was manifestly and objectively unfair to Palestinians in its allocation of lands let alone violating what should have been full and undivided Palestinian self-determination) but immediately set out to defy it, with Plan Dalet, to remove enough Palestinians to achieve a Jewish Zionist majority within the Zionist state.

The UN itself proceeded with a plan for trusteeship, which would guarantee the emergence of separate Zionist and Palestinian states.

Harry Truman was officially championing the Trusteeship plan, and US delegates at the UN including Eleanor Roosevelt were working hard to achieve it.

Meanwhile, Zionists lobbied Truman through Truman's boyhood best friend Eddie Jacobson.  Although initially resisting all attempts by Zionists to meet with him, Truman ultimately relented, and changed his mind about Israel, without letting anyone else know.  US delegates at the UN continued to work towards Trusteeship.

By faking support for the Trusteeship being debated in UN, Truman was actually just letting Plan Dalet continue, until Zionists had achieved the demographic majority they were seeking.  They then declared "Israel" an independent state (within borders significantly larger than proposed by UN Partition Plan, and means completely in contradiction with it) and Truman immediately recognized the new entity, which should have been held illegal.

In so doing, Truman defied his senior advisors (except for political strategist Clark Clifford), Eleanor Roosevelt, and the Wise Men who were supposedly guiding his foreign policy, including Robert Lovett, Dean Acheson, George Kennan, James Forrestal, and Dean Rusk.

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