Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Empire of Lies

I took a quick look at the EU list of Russian Disinformation I've now added to my sidebar and observed that much of the purported "disinformation" was actually true.

One example is the "biolabs in Ukraine."

The US government itself has admitted it operated 46 biological laboratories in Ukraine,  a fact that is usually called "disinformation" by supposed fact checkers (which are all likely run by western intelligence services).

The only question is what these laboratories were doing.  The US government claims they were studying "emerging diseases."  Russians claim they were used in the development of biological weapons.

We the people who are not granted access to "secret" government information do not know what the purpose of these laboratories actually was.  But it is very suspicious that the US was operating so many secret laboratories, funded by the Pentagon, in a disputed area (the "civil war" began in 2014), so close to Russia.  The US has a long documented past history of using biological weapons (Vietnam, Cuba, and Iraq) and supporting others who do (Israel).

Furthermore, much if not most research into infectious agents nowadays can be considered dual use (research that could be used for either defensive or offensive purposes).    In order to study what future pathogens might emerge, even more deadly pathogens are created.  This is exactly what we now know the US funded laboratory in Wuhan was doing.  They were doing Gain of Function research on Coronaviruses.  This research had been made illegal in the USA.

It is very reasonable to believe that this is the sort of thing that was being done in Ukraine.

Whenever you have dual use research, you cannot really deny that it is potentially offensive.

And it could be worse.  The secrecy (at first originally denying the existence of the labs, and not correcting the fact checkers) is very suspicious.

I think it would be reasonable for the US military not to operate secret laboratories in war zones, foreign countries, or for that matter, inside the USA.

As long as they do, we have good reasons to be suspicious, and to not consider claims that they had offensive use as debunked or disproven.

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