Friday, July 8, 2022

The New World Order in Myth and Fact

Reading about the Georgia Guidestones, which I admired (never been there though), I find a lot of people say such things are in the ideology of the New World Order.

This is such a sickeningly misguided idea--that advocates of sustainable population, and other forms of sustainability, are part of an oligarchic conspiracy.

All my life the Oligarchic conspiracy has been BOOM.  Growth in people, production, consumption, waste, destruction, and war.

Quite simply the Oligarchy wants more power, control, and wealth, without limits.  That's who they are.*  They probably well know we're driving straight towards the cliff that follows Peak Everything.  But they don't care because they think it won't affect them, they're not slowing down now one iota with grabbing everything they can while the grabbing is still good.

But to shut down those who would call for any kind of sustainability, these Oligarchs would be happy to disparage their opponents in any way possible.  While pointing eyes in another direction.

So creating and promoting a myth that people like me calling for sustainability are the true warriors for perfectly for the actual Oligarchy.

(*What about the world's soon to be leading economy--and society.  China.  Well, you would only be showing your ignorance here.  For some time now, China has had a 3 Child Policy.  Also China is not an Oligarchy or participant in the world Oligarchy, but instead a People's Bureaucracy.)

(*What about Bill Gates, who has sometimes talked about limiting population growth.  As an Oligarch himself generally you can predict he's lying whenever his lips are moving.  If he talks good things--which negative population growth would be--he's trying to sell you something else, like US Finance Hegemony.  His personal example is 3 children, not sustainable now.)

Only voices in the wilderness like me (independent rational minds) can promote such truly sustainable ideas (for now) as the 0.5 Child Policy, which would be the way to AVOID going over the cliff at the end of Peak Everything.

The other side is shills for the oligarchy, willing or otherwise.  The whole Movement Conservative thing is Oligarchy, sometimes in disguise.

I've long felt the planetary target population SHOULD be 500,000,000, just as the Guidestones say, though if human society were to shrink it's per-capita footprint enough, it could be as high as 1 Billion.  OTOH, it's not entirely clear 500,000,000 by itself guarantees sustainability either, and humans were locally ecocidal historically with those and even smaller numbers.

Where we are now is clearly unsustainable, with the planet quickly being degraded for all living beings and non-human species becoming extinct at an alarming rate.

What about the calamities that a shrinking population would cause.  Well, those calamities are of the kind that come from Greed Based Society, ie Capitalism.  A well planned socialist economy could either grow or shrink as needed.  Noam Chomsky has pointed out that it's more costly the provide for more children than more old people.  With an expanding population you're always needing more of everything, even when there aren't resources or room for anything more.

And there will be far greater calamities caused continuing growing approach, which well seems to be inevitable.

What about the growth of Women's Rights leading to reducing population growth?  Well if you ask that question you have not been paying attention to what's been happening to Women's Rights globally.  And even if it were otherwise, as it may still be somewhere, you still aren't seeing anything like sustainable degrowth.

The only way to get degrowth is to do degrowth.

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