Sunday, February 20, 2022

Will Carbon Capture ever be Useful?

I think, in the very long run, carbon capture will be complementary to getting off fossil fuels.

It will be necessary to reverse sea level rise, among other things, which will otherwise continue for millenia at high rates (or until the permanent ice is gone, whichever is first).

I find it hard to believe that matters will start reverting to something like pre-industrial at net zero.  The CO2 level will still be higher than it's been for 3 million years (and counting...) and highly degraded biosphere, including toxically acid ocean.

But CC is meaningless or worse BEFORE you get off fossil fuels.  A lot of fossil energy would need to be invested in building and powering such things, or resources that could be devoted to getting off fossil fuels into this not-yet-useful scheme, or promises about it will lead to slower abandonment of fossil fuels, etc.

We must stop digging before starting to fill the hole, as I said.  We must have SURPLUS renewable energy before we can invest some of it in Carbon Capture.

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