Saturday, October 24, 2020

Wow! The real (lack of ) appeal of the Third Reich

Social revisionists like Richard Seymour ar engaged in an attempt to make racism seem like the natural state of things.  In such line of thinking, the NAZI regime was enormously popular because of its racist appeals.

The truth is rather different, as Tony Greenstein clarifies: the NAZIs were forced down the throat of the German working class by Industrialists.  In the last 1933 election, the Nazi's popularity was declining, and that of the SPD Socialists and KPD Kommunists was rising.  The terrible problem was that the Kommunists were stupidly following Stalin's orders, and Stalin wanted Hitler to be successful in destroying the West.  So, the local Kommunists and Socialists didn't combine their forces to stop Hitler.  Meanwhile, throughout the regime, the racist crap it was producing had very little traction outside those middle class and above whose incomes were rising.  Workers incomes were not rising, and they were doing more work.

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