Monday, February 18, 2019

Reverse Anti-Semitism

A friend today sends me an international news item: anti-semitic epithet shouted to professor in France.  That's ugly, all right.  But what does the Prime Minister of Israel say about Iranians:

And what about that open air prison in Gaza, said to soon be uninhabitable?


In the beginning, the left was pretty consistent in denunciation of ethnic nationalism.  In the former Soviet Union and Satellite "Communist" countries, ethnic nationalism was forbidden.  That stricture kept the former Yugoslavia together, until Western-Country-backed revolutionaries split off Croatia and, precipitating a civil war that whose security is still established by foreign troops.

This chapter of US imperialism, is one I have the most trouble explaining to my friends.  Along with Syria.

It is very consistent, in contrast to Communist doctrine, the Capitalist countries back ethnic nationalism to resist, break up,  and destroy democracy and socialism.

So it is no wonder Putin is a friend of Netanyahu.  Russia is a counter-revolutionary capitalist country!  The only way it represents something unappreciated in the USA is that it represents a different imperial axis (China-Russia).

What the USA should be doing is tossing off the hat of Imperialism to the new fools who seem to want it.  And get ahead of the Green train instead of trying to keep it from starting.

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