Saturday, February 24, 2018

More thoughts on Russiagate

I wish all my fellow liberals and (some) leftists would let go of this terrible scam promoted by the neocons who have been pushing for war with Russia (including especially Hillary, and also Obama and all the well known opinionators).  IMO we should disengage with conflict with Russia, eliminating sanctions, restore normal friendly relations, withdraw from conflict in Syria and Yugoslavia.  We have greatly exceeded the dasterdly deeds we mostly falsely claim against Russia and its allies with our own activities anyway...we initiated onflict in Yugslavia--financing a violent coup to overthrow the Russia-friendly elected government--and Syria--funding Islamists including Al Qaeda to overthrow another Russia-friendly government.  Everything since is just reaction to our evils.  Our hands are soiled more than the Russian's.  We should just let go of all this and all empire.  It does nobody any good except for the Military Industrial Complex, is already horrible destructive to everything including our true security, reputation, and future, and could destroy the planet.

The most important indictment so far relates to the initial creation of the phony document which initially promoted the Russiagate story.  One of the most important revelations is how the FBI was apparently misused for political investigation into the Trump campaign based on a similar phony story.

The Russian "troll farm" would have been a laughable attempt to change the election, if that's what it was.  Only a few dollars of Facebook ads with "socially divisive" messages were shown before the election.  I think more likely it was a commercial experiment or a kind of polling operation to asses American attitudes.  Meanwhile we've been running 81 other countries by influence of many kinds, including coups and invasions, at the expense of trillions of dollars for decades.  Especially including Russia, where we propped up Yeltsin and hammered them with the "shock therapy" we strongarmed them into.*  Putin has been the most independent Russian in a long time, hence our relentless attacks on him through the media and otherwise, leading to Russiagate...the ultimate story so far.  Within his borders he's been mostly no worse than most US Presidents, and he's been especially restrained (good) compared to us outside his borders.  Meanwhile he may well be historic Russian hero, in standing up for Russian independence.  He's certainly been more popular in his country than our Presidents have been in ours.  It's hard to get this story over to most of my friends who have lived their lives in a controlled media vortex constantly hammering the message that we must save the world from Russian evil, especially Putin.

(*In many ways, the collapse of the Soviet Union had been a western aim for decades, and I believe a mostly untold story is also how we gave the final pushes too.  So, in reality, it was another US backed coup.  The stories are out there, but I've never seen anyone else use the word coup.  Gorbachev himself has often been thought to be too US friendly...hence deeply unpopular.  During his leadership, he might well have saved the world, even if ultimately at the expense of his historic regime and empire.  So I honor him, but also despise his Russian neoliberal domestic policies--pushed by the US.)

Robert Parry's death was a terrible loss.  He exposed the whole Russiagate flim flam in every impeccable story.  You couldn't question either his integrity or his accuracy, he'd been proven correct time after time in the past.  IMO he was the greatest journalist of all time.

His best relief now appears to be Caitlin Johnstone.  She tells the Russiagate stories best, though not yet with the authoritativeness of Parry.

Now The Intercept has fallen into the Russiagate trap.  They've adopted Risen, who may be a kind of hero for standing for protecting his (likely deep state) sources in an important story relating to the false claims against Iraq before we illegally initiated a war on them.  That was good.  But as someone who could even be allowed to write for the militaristic Grey Lady, he's basically swallowed much of the insider neocon groupthink.  Russia must be more evil than us.

Greenwald tries to write more critical, nuanced, balanced in his dancing with the Russiagate story.  He quite probably knows a wide section of the antiwar left is already on to the scam.

But he's not close to being balanced, actually.  Russiagate is really the story of the Neocon conspiracy to create US war with Russia.  That story goes back to the Russian Revolution of 1917, if not before.

If ever reporting a Russian should be put into the full context of US war crimes...and in every case pales in significance.

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