A video posted on Twitter and Telegram shows what actually happened during the Hamas attack.
Hamas fighters were headed to different Israeli military bases. In between two of the many bases they were planning to attack there was a concert, which had been originally planned for somewhere else, but was moved to this location and started the previous day (looks like Human Shielding).
Concertgoers heard the attack and started trying to leave in their cars. But IDF forces blocked the roads in order to stop Hamas.
When Hamas actually arrived, shooting broke out and concertgoers were stuck in the crossfire, with most of the shooting being done by IDF who probably was responsible for most of the civilian deaths at this location.
Some concertgoers left by running through an open field instead.
Israelis excuse their genocidal attacks in Gaza (which kill many times more civilians than Hamas kills) with the claim that they are not deliberately "targeting civilians" (even though it clearly looks that way, and some have confessed that is the real strategy).
They should know that by blowing up apartment blocks, hospitals, and refugee camps they are certainly going to kill civilians whether they are "deliberately" targeting them or not.
But nothing about the Hamas attack suggests they target civilians at all. They are waging war by attacking their captors armed forces.
There are several Israelis who have testified on videos that they were treated kindly and respectfully by Hamas militants.
Endless videos and reports show the Zionist Entity over the past 75 years gives basically no respect to Palestinians, their homes, or their lives.
Palestinians often show huge reluctance to give up their homes, even at the cost of their lives. But who can blame them?
It takes very tough people to stay in the Levant for thousands of years. People who basically aren't going to budge from the world's most contested lands, no matter what terrible empire comes along.
That's among the reasons why the Zionist program was simply impossible from the get go. No matter how many Palestinians you attempt to push away, more keep coming back to reclaim THEIR homeland.
The secret to a successful national homeland is to take a place that nobody else wants. Good luck.
Even then, about 100 years is about all such an enterprise can last, before it implodes from the fact that ethnic supremacism is fundamentally unremitting violence directed at someone.
So if it's not crushed by changing geopolitical winds, it collapses from internal distrust.
Even in the pre and post nazi state of USA it was clearly recognized decades ago that non-discrimination, especially with regards to home buying, is essential to internal peace.
Israel has chosen to be the experiment showing the catastrophic results of the ethno-supremacist state. One way or another. As if it needed more demonstration.
Sadly, such is the appeal of nationalisms, even very intelligent people can be turned into babbling idiots, reciting fairy tales as if complete truths.
And such is human nature, the tendency to re-justify over and over to match one's beliefs, themselves a social product.
The ongoing Gaza Genocide is a sad spectacle we must resist in every way with our emails, calls, and protests, if nothing more.