MAGA Red and other right wingnuts are now proclaiming that America has been "moving to the left."
That's funny, because the America I live in has been steadily moving to the right all my life. This has been analyzed many times: the rightward shifting of The Overton Window of mainstream acceptible politics is described in a large number of books. Many have observed we still live in The Reagan Era with both parties emulating Reagan with one twist or another, but not really fundamentally changing matters.
In my lifetime, the New Deal era started by FDR gave way to the Neoliberal/Neoconservative era, which is clearly much farther to the right.
President Johnson unveiled the War on Poverty, Nixon unveiled the War on Drugs, and Clinton unveiled the War on the War on Poverty, ending the most fundamental aid program, AFDC, which guaranteed income support for needy mothers, and replacing it with a cheap limited duration and highly contingent substitute.
One key metric of social democracy (now called "leftist" because we've moved so far to the right) is union membership, which has been declining all my life. Likewise, income inequality has been increasing all my life, to the extent that we now live in a second Gilded Age reflected by our current President who likes gold toilets.
Under Biden, universities were pressured by the US government to lock up students. Trump took this one step further by threatening the funding of the universities unless they make even more draconian policies.
An apparent disciple of Ayn Rand has been given free reign to hack away at US government programs that he doesn't like. It's worth noting that Naziism was most fundamentally about the elimination of socialism (European Jews were targeted because socialism was believed to have come from them).
We've moved so far the the right that fascism is now centrist in America.
We can only choose how much and how far, and with Trump Americans are going to see good and deep right now.