Sunday, March 24, 2024

Monotheism is fascism

 All monotheism inherently creates the false notion of a single "good" (God's will).

This false notion is not only harmful to greater understanding and reflection, it creates the basis for exclusionary religions, ideologies, and governments.

It is inherently proto-Fascist if not Fascist.  It leads to endless Holy Wars.  In that crucible, and luck, the "West" was born.  It had a glorious burst of world domination, now busting.  It will not be remembered kindly.

Traditional Asians, apt to freely combine ideas from multiple faiths, had the right idea on that.

It's no wonder that monotheism emanated from great empires, first "Persian" (Zoroaster) which led to a reformulation of Judaism into a monotheism, then Rome who captured the originally resistive "Christian" faith tailor made for empire by Herodian stooge Paul, then Islam from the burgeoning Arabian empire.

I believe that churches should be civic institutions open to all "faiths."

(So, actually, I do not believe in separation of church and state.  I believe in separation of religion from church and state.)

"Private" churches not open to all faiths should be taxed.

From a vast array of private untaxed churches, we predictably get endless sectarianism.

Which is useful for our post-Civilization rulers to remain unchallenged in their cash-and-grab international imperial racket.

But universal churches can hardly be imposed when most people are monotheists.

One more way the future does not look nice for humanity.

I speak meaningfully only to the post-Collapse generation therefore.  Don't do it this way.  Don't make our mistakes, which are diverse, but including this.

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