Sunday, March 26, 2023

Not Russiagate, Israelgate

We now know as a fact that longtime Trump associate Roger Stone was feeding information about future Wikileaks releases to Trump which came to him from an Israeli spy.  Though it was redacted from everything that was made public from other investigations, it has become clear from a recent FBI indictment.

A long article in The Nation parses this out, but that article also makes the erroneous assumption (still short of any evidence) that this was because Israeli intelligence had hacked into an alleged Russian operation.

MoonOfAlabama turns this around for what looks like the correct interpretation.  Israeli intelligence knew what Wikileaks was going to be releasing for the simple reason that THEY (Israeli intelligence) were the ones releasing it to Wikileaks!  The timeline and other details from this theory fit known facts perfectly.

Israel had and got a clear quid pro quo from helping Trump...moving the US embassy to Jerusalem.  Also terminating the JPCOA--which had been a sore point for Israel ever since Obama launched it.  (There was detectable antagonism between Israel and Obama.)  Also recognizing the Israeli seizure of the Golan Heights.  In contrast, Russia did not get any quid pro quo from helping Trump.  Trump kept a lot of anti-Russian operations going (in Afghanistan, Syria, and Ukraine).

There has also never been any true evidence that the original emails were hacked.  We can't be sure of how Israel would have gotten them...except they could well have been given to an Israeli spook by Seth Rich before he was killed.  Seth Rich might either have been full involved in this plot all along, or not.  (That he was killed suggests to me he was not a mole all along, or he would anticipated and/or been protected from this.  Someone could have just offered to "get the information out" for him, and likely without even admitting to be connected to Israeli intelligence.  Rich would probably not have been in Netanyahu's camp.  He would have been trying to get the info to Wikileaks in a physical handoff somehow to avoid NSA detection, and someone whose Israeli connection was unknown to him offered to do that for him.*  Which is another way the "Russia hacking" story makes no sense.  If Russia had obtained the information over the internet, NSA would know of it.  Anyone savvy at all would know there would have to be a physical transfer.  As well as the VIPS story about the timestamps, and the fact that the servers were never examined by other than a commercial firm connected to the DNC itself--Crowdstrike.)

(*According to one story, Guccifer 2.0 once even admitted to being part of Israeli intelligence.  It has never been proven to be part of Russian intelligence, especially GRU which is military intelligence.  Assange himself has denied Russians were involved, which is more than he says about any other sourcing.  Assange refuses to say more, that part being consistent with Wikileaks principles, though this case could be considered exceptional.  I doubt he'd be asked by any American or British prosecutor however, since Russiaphobia is official policy, universally obeyed, richly rewarded, and it's opposite punished as much as possible--see Assange...)

(That the media and Seth Rich's family have tried to axe this story should be ignored.  Here's an impressive list of people who have advanced the theory that Seth Rich was the leaker.  Kim Dotcom, for one, claims to have known Rich from a long series of online conversations (about "the Internet Party"), and also says he also knows Rich was the leaker, but would provide more details to investigators only.  Craig Murray is another well known person advancing this theory.)

One way or another, we now KNOW that Israel was involved, and that this fact has been covered up for years.

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