Monday, July 25, 2022

The Ideological Tower of Babel

 So, Western Countries have officially "pledged" to massively replace fossil fuel usage with renewable energy.  There HAS been an increase in renewable energy, but fossil fuel usage is not reduced.  Keeping fossil prices low had been a big priority of the Biden administration, after it's ill advised sanction regime was wrecking all global commerce including oil.  Low prices means high output.  IOW, utter hypocrisy, which is also visible in the soft voluntary "pledges" which are always taken to avert incoming catastrophe.

While this utter hypocrisy has been the general rule, many sectors in the West especially the USA are flat out denialists, minimizers, and the like who call for the private energy market to solve things without government interference.   IRONICALLY many such people see "the Global Warming hoax" as either a central government psyop (to increase government power) or a general conspiracy of Soros, big banks, CIA, Israel, and so on.  So in effect there's a flavor of denialism that leans right, and another flavor of denialism that leans left.

Or to be more accurate, what I just called left denialism doesn't much exist, instead the self described left leaning faction opposed to renewable energy are Cornucopians, such as La Rouchies, who believe all we need is nuclear energy and then there is no need for population reduction, etc.  Other leftists don't see La Rouchies on the left at all but a kind of "American Libertarianism" which sees reduction of government regulation invariably as the solution to every problem, putting them generally on the far right except wrt to "social issues."

(I am reminded not to confuse La Rouchies with the followers of Ramsey Clark, whose IAC I heartily endorse.)

Meanwhile, western countries especially the USA and it's close associates UK, Canada, and Australia, promote something they call the "Rules Based Order" which means their rules, of course, in order to enrich their global financial stripping operations.

This Rules Based Order has necessitated a global Cold War ever since World War II, with periodic "hot" proxy wars, massive military spending, and endless international subversion operations.

It will be impossible to solve Global Heating in any meaningful way as long as the drive for western Hegemony continues.

But quite often, there isn't help on the other side either.  Russia is a major resource extractor and exporter and perhaps not surprisingly most online commentators, shills, and bots taking the pro-Russian or perhaps merely non-anti-Russian POV also either push flat out denialism (often regarding Covid too) or some flavor of the idea that the (what appears to them to be ongoing instead of a politically impossible hope) Green New Deal is a Soros/CIA/Israel etc conspiracy.

So the picture I'm trying to present here is that we are on the construction floor of the tower of Babel, and our hope of ever surviving is vastly diminished by the fact that nearly everybody has a different set of wrong ideas.

Those who solidly believe in the necessary Degrowth and Non-Hegemony are a tiny few.

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