Saturday, November 23, 2019

Impeachment Support Dropping?

Wow.  Even with all the power of the Russia-is-enemy#1/CIA/WarWurlitzer like the NYTimes pumping out throbbing impeachment screeds daily, it still seems to be returning to baseline.

Of course, with the other half of the Iran-is-enemy#1/CIA/WarWurlitzer like FoxNews is fully informed about all the counter arguments, even if they don't always promote the best ones, there appears to be rough parity.

The only chance was like last time, creating some sort of moral justice stampede to get the orange guy to resign before the votes could be counted.  He would probably resign before turning over tax returns.  I myself see this as an only slightly better case than the full-on lies of RussiaGate, and that seems to be the take of the AntiWar community in general*, which would much prefer to Impeach Trump! over many other things, such as sending and re-sending troops to Syria, and assistance given to coup'sters in  Venezuela, Bolivia, Iran, and Hong Kong, The full list of truly egregious actions by Trump is endless.  And once again, "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" is whatever the Congress chooses it to be, it need not have a musty Watergate smell.  Sadly, we have a Congress made of about the same stuff as Trump, and for the most part they wouldn't bother stopping the ongoing war crimes, even to the point of honestly describing them, and often egging them on more.  But the same is true for the presently alleged crimes of personal quid pro quo (which didn't even get off the phone, so to speak) so why not choose the best?  I have never believed a politics of anti-corruption (as opposed to anti-imperialism or anti-capitalism) will ever accomplish anything but institutional stagnation.  It is always sublimely hypocritical.  As long as there is Empire there will be corruption AND evil on vast scales, and at least partly legal.  Empire is where to start chipping away at the Leviathan, because it is the greatest evil, and most of the rest falls with it.

Lack of visible high moral ground anywhere doesn't help UkraineGate, and even all the serious deep intonations of the NYTimes are not changing anyone's mind.  The whole project of sending weapons to Ukraine is a war crime, on top of the original illegal war crime of coup'ing the uncooperative government, on top of the broken promise and wisdom not to extend NATO.

I think we may have reached the point where CIA is deciding that overall, this track is giving the Empire more exposure than protection from Trump--which was never much needed in the first place by all appearences.

So it's going to be wound down.  My bet that they'd keep it running till 2021 and beyond if Trump gets re-elected (which would also be their plan) is now looking like a loser.  I wonder what will take it's place.  I hope it's not war.

(*Many, such as Aaron Mate, believe Trump did wrong if he did intend a quid-pro-quo, as has been alleged, but it's a hard case to prove, especially to those that don't want to change their minds.  Trump would have for sure left deniability everywhere, he may be stupid in some areas but NOT that one, he learned Mobster rules in his youth if not diapers.  Others see this by design to restrain Trump in making peace, in Syria and Ukraine, where he might be inclined to.  Still others (or including many of the same) see this as a way to help defeat Democrats in 2020, by making such a losing spectacle.  And some see it as directed mostly at Democratic progessives, including Bernie Sanders and/or Elizabeth Warren, since the whole affair shows much of Biden's previous wrongdoing he must not be the "chosen" one, he must be the "unchosen" one, with either Hillary or Warren swung in at the last moment to take his place.  Some of these same theorists opine that Trump Himself has contributed to ImpeachmentGate, throwing fuel onto the fire, just because he smartly knows in the end it will all accrue to his advantage.  That's getting pretty deep into the Mobster playbook and I'm not sure he trusts his stars that far.  It's probably a minor nuisance, but an opportunity for great opera singing, which is one of his specialties.  Mud Wrestling I called it earlier.  Looks like the season is closing earlier than expected.)

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