Saturday, October 1, 2022

Putin's speech

Putin's speech was very good in describing western perfidy and provocation, past and present.

It was good overall, however it's predictable what the western media will single out.

Surely the part about parenthood was unnecessary and therefore superfluous conservative virtue signaling, which I see quite a lot on pro-Russian sites as well.

As was the Christian identification.  And labeling the west Satanic, my my.

Most of the people he is fighting identify as Christian as well, in Ukraine and also USA, one of the more Christian countries on earth.

It's true, some Satanic temples have been tied to CIA.  But it's a fringe, and some may be independent.

29% of US citizens do not believe in God or Satan.

There is no reason to believe they represent a vanguard of anti-Russian sentiment, only more or less moved by the same propaganda system as anyone else.

US Communists (who may be mostly atheist) have called for serious negotiations from the beginning, and called out NATO expansion as the culprit, the Maidan Revolution, and the Neonazis.  US Communists go even farther than this...they have called for the abolition of NATO from the moment it was created and especially after 1991.

So why are we being smeared as the Satanic opposition?


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