Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Why are things so hard to keep up with

 Why are things so hard to keep up with?  So you won't have time for others!

Computers are a veritable drag to keep up with nowadays.  You can't have a spare computer in a closet anymore.  If you aren't using that computer 24/7, it's going to be way behind on updates.  It might take days or weeks to update, if it will update at all, next time you turn it on.  This is especially true of Microsoft, I believe.  Well that's so you won't have time to deal with Macs, and vice versa.  It's always been hard to keep up with all the evolving tricks of either type of machine, even professionals specialize, casual users are virtually captive.

Major automakers like Ford would have one way of doing things, say in turning the door key to the right, and GM would have the other way, turning the key to the left.  So if you dared to go off the reservation and try one of the other automakers car's, well, you couldn't even get the door open, and it was like that all the way.

Religions have always been there.  You won't feel comfortable eating the other tribes food, and it doesn't get better.

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